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  • 2-3 apples

  • 1 sheet of puff pastry

  • 1 knob of butter

  • 1 large egg

  • cinnamon

  • 1 tbspn of vanilla sugar

  • raisins and rum to soak them in.

Shopping list:

Impress with puff pastry skills!


Contains lactose and gluten.


Apfelstrudel is a classical Austrian pastry, filled with apples, rum-soaked raisins and cinnamon.


Very popular in Vienna, this pastry is often served with a creamy vanilla sauce, or simply a scoop of vanilla ice-cream.


It can be eaten both warm and cold and perhaps best of all: it’s not all that hard to make.


While it is originally made with a multi-layered pastry dough, we’ll just opt for the quick and easy way: puff pastry.

First of all, soak your raisins in the rum (or use a bit of water if you want to go for a virgin one). Peel and core your apples, dicing them up roughly. Toss them into a pot with a knob of butter and slowly start stewing them. Add the raisins as well, together with a splash of the liquid you soaked them in. Seasons with cinnamon to your own taste and add the vanilla sugar. Slowcook it until you get a dry paste that resembles apple sauce.


Roll out your puff pastry into a rectangular shape and carefully arrange your apple-raisin filling in the middle. It’s best to let the filling cool down some first. Now cut downward diagonals on either side. These strips of pastry will help tuck in our filling later on. Make sure you have the same number of strips in either side. Longer strips will allow you to weave them across like a basket, shorter ones will show more of your filling.

Pull each of the strips inwards, allowing them to cross one another. Beat the eggyoke, together with just a drop of water into a mixture and brush it over your pastry. Slip into an oven you preheated at 180 degrees Celsius (that’s about 350 degrees Fahrenheit) and bake for about half an hour.

Mahlzeit! (as they say in Austria)

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