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  • 4 to 5 apples

  • 2 cups of caster sugar

  • Vinegar

  • 2 tablespoons of curry powder

  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric

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Apple Curry Ketchup

When September is nearing, it's all about apples.


Normally, when I have an abundance of apples to cook with, I always make a huge batch of apple sauce to store in the freezer. That way, I always have something quick and easy ready when I don’t have much time to cook. I had however went that way with my rhubarb a while ago, so I decided to do something different with my apples this time.


It took me years to learn to like ketchup, until I tasted a home-made ketchup. I always have a bottle or two stored these days, since it’s easy to make. I wanted to go the same way with the apples: an apple-curry ketchup.

Pour the sugar into a pot with a splash of water, just enough to get it to the boil and make a sugary syrup. Don’t allow the sugar to colour, we’re not making a caramel.


In the meantime, peel and core the apples and chop them up roughly in small cubes. The size and shape doesn’t really matter, since we’ll blend it later on, but smaller chunks do cook faster. Add the apples with the hot sugar syrup and keep stirring while you add a splash of plain vinegar and the spices.


Allow it to simmer and cook for a little while longer, before pouring it into a blender. Carefully blend until you have a thick, golden yellow sauce.


You can serve it hot or cold, use it right away or store it in bottle in the fridge for quite a while.

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