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  • 300 gr chopped up leeks.

  • 100 gr quality gam

  • 200 ml double cream

  • 1 large egg

  • Pie pastry

  • A large knob of butter

  • Dijon mustard

Shopping list:

A delicious, soft flan in a crispy crust.


Contains both gluten and lactose.

Leek & Ham Pie

Normally, I make my pies closed, with a lid on top, but with this particular recipe, I always opt for an open pie. The eggs and cream transform the leek and ham into a soft, set and delicious savoury flan.


The secret ingredient as far as I am concerned though, is a good mustard. One or two good spoonfuls of a Dijon mustard counters the softness with a surprising kick.


Be sure to blindbake your pastry though, or you will end up with a soggy bottom.

Start with pie pastry for a savoury pie. It's not all that difficult to make and you can always check this page to see how it's done. The trick, as always, is to blindbake your pastry, since we will be working with a wet filling. Blindbaking prevents the liquid from being absorbed by your pastry. After all, nothing is more dissappointing than a soggy bottom, don't you think?


Chop up the whites of your leeks finely and throw them into a pan with a generous knob of butter.Leek absolutely needs butter, in my opinion, so don't be stingy. Poach the leeks on a low fire for about ten minutes or so.


Take your ham and chop, dice or tear it, as you prefer, mixing it with the cooked leeks. Take the pan off the heat and mix the ham and the leeks. Add one or two tablespoons of Dijon mustard to your own taste and again, make sure you mix it all thoroughly.


Take your pastry which has been blindbaked and spoon in the leek-ham-mustard mixture, spreading it evenly over the pastry.


Loosely beat and egg through the cream until it has dissolved. Season with salt and black pepper. Again, don't be stingy. We havn't really seasoned the leeks, so this mixture can have quite some pepper.


Carefully pour it over your leeks and slide it in an oven you preheated at 180 Celsius (about 350 Fahrenheit) for around half an hour, until the filling has set and your pastry has a golden brown colour.


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