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  • 1 chicken

  • 2 red onions

  • 2 sweet apples

  • A large knob of butter

  • 1 tspn of thyme

  • 1/2 tspn ginger

  • 1 tspn oregano

  • 1 tspn garlic powder

  • 75 grams bacon

  • 1 sprig of rosemary

Shopping list:

Serve with cajun potatoes!.


Contains lactose but is glutenfree.

Apple & Red Onion Stuffed

Roast Chicken

A whole chicken can be quite the challenge for any home cook from time to time. What to do with it? How do I prevent it from drying out?


This tested recipe rarely goes wrong. By basting the chicken in a herb & butter-mix, the skin crisps up nicely, without the actual chicken to dry out.


The red onion and the apple compliment each other rather well. It's like eating chicken with apple sauce on the inside!

Chop both the red onions and apples finely. Add some olive oil to a pan and fry the onions over a medium heat until they start to brown a bit. Add the apples and allow another 10 minutes to fry, stirring occasionally. Put the mixture aside and leave it to cool down.



Stuff your chicken with the apple-onion stuffing and add the sprig of rosemary as well. Tie the chicken legs together with a piece of kitchen rope.


Melt the knob of butter and add the ground spices, mixing until you get a buttery sauce.


Now brush the buttery sauce all over the chicken. This will crisp up the skin and prevent the chicken from drying out. Wrap the bacon over the breast of the chicken, again to prevent it from drying out, as well as adding even more flavour.


Cook the chicken in an oven you preheated for 175 Celsius (that's about 350 Fahrenheit) for one hour and a half. The bacon will have gone nice and crispy and the chicken tender and cooked through.

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