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  • Parsley

  • Bay leaves

  • Fresh thyme

  • Kitchen rope

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Tie the end of the rope to a handle and you'll always find it again!

Contains no gluten or lactose

Bouquet Garni

The bouquet garni is a fresh herb bundle, tied together with an end of kitchen rope. It is used to season dishes that are slowly cooked or simmered, like soups and stews. The end of rope makes sure the herbs stay together and the herbs can be removed afterwards quite easily again.


The classical bouquet garni is made with parsley stems, bay leaves and fresh thyme. Variations on this technique are possible though and frankly, you can use it on any herb that has to be removed again afterwards, such as rosemary, juniper, ...

Making a bouquet garni is quite simple: pick off the parsley as close to the stems as possible, until only the stems remain. Make a bundle out of the herbs. I always use at least two bay leaves, so I can make a tigh, neat little package with them. 


Tie the herbs with the kitchen rope and leave the end hanging out of the pot, or tie it to a handle. This makes sure you can easily remove the herbes again afterwards.

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