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  • Size doesn't always matter. Large courgettes grow spongy. The ideal courgette is about 15-20 cm.

  • Can you spot the difference between male and female flowers?

  • The flowers are edible as well. Very nice, filled with ricotta and diep-fried.

Courgette Tips:


Don’t get confused by the name: courgettes, zucchini, marrows…they are all the same plant, depending on where you are.


They are a member of the cucurbit vegetable family and come in a variety of colours and shapes.


The oblong green one is possible the best known member of the family, but there are a lot of different varieties.

The courgette plant isn’t all that difficult to grow in your garden, just know that they tend to demand some space though (about a square metre for each plant). You can start seeding courgettes indoors, in pots, from mid-April on. About four weeks later, your little seedling will be ready to be planted outside. If you prefer seeding directly outside, start around mid-May.


Plant each seedling in a football-sized hole, one metre separated from each other. Cover the hole with a mixture of soil and compost. Courgettes are thirsty vegetables, so water them often, especially during dry spells.


They will form both male and female flowers, so you will need insects to pollinate.


If all goes well, and it will, you’ll be able to harvest your own courgettes from July to September. Don’t let them grow too big…they decline in taste when they do.

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