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  • 2 knobs of butter

  • 1 tbspn flower

  • 200 ml milk

  • nutmeg

  • Dijon mustard

  • Slices of white bread

  • Smoked ham

  • Eggs

  • Grated cheese, the kind you like

Shopping list:

An egg, a slice of bread and some ham make one muffin


Contains lactose and  gluten.

Le Croque Muffin

A croque monsieur (or Hawaii, or madame) is not something you normally eat for breakfast around here.


In fact, I would have never thought of it, until the day I saw Rachel Khoo transform them into breakfast muffins.


The result is quite spectacular, and again, not at all that difficult to pull off. If you need directions on how to make a roux, you can find those here.

First, we are going to make a quick version of the classical bechamel sauce. Now, don’t worry, sauces aren’t always as difficult as they appear to be. Melt a knob (about a tablespoon) of butter in a sauce pan, adding a tablespoon of flower to it, while whisking. You will create a ‘roux’, which is the base of your sauce. Keep whisking, until you start to smell cookies. From that point on, introduce your milk slowly while you keep whisking. A thick sauce will soon form. Season with nutmeg and black pepper and add a spoon of mustard.


Take your slices of white bread and cut of the crust, creating white squares. Roll them firmly with a rolling pin, until they have halved in thickness. Rolling bread seems a bit strange, but it firms the structure of your bread and makes sure it doesn’t go soggy. Melt some butter and coat the bread on both sides with the butter.

Fold your slices of bread into a muffin tin, creating little bread cups. Line the bottom with a slice of smoked ham. Crack an egg on top of the ham and add a royal spoonful of your bechamel sauce. Finish it off with a helping of grated cheese on top.


Slide them into an oven you preheated for 180 degrees Celsius (that’s about 350 degrees Fahrenheit) for about 15 minutes. If you want your egg runny, you might want to cut it slightly shorter.


If you’re careful enough, you can now take the muffins from the tin and serve them.

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