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  • 500 gr of flower

  • 500 gr of dark brown sugar (cassonade)

  • 5 gr of salt

  • 5 gr of baking soda

  • 2 eggs

  • 200 gr of butter

  • Home-made spice mix

Shopping list:

Tastes like a festive December!


Contains lactose and gluten.


There is no proper translation for 'speculaas'. This cookie is typical for the west of Europe. In Belgium and the Netherlands, it's linked to the annual feast of 'Saint Nicolas', while in Germany, it is associated with Christmas.


Every bakery has its' own secret spice mix that goes into the dough, although it's safe to say cinnamon is always present.


Speculaas is often shaped in a whole array of festive shapes. Wooden molds are often used to leave an imprint on the dough before baking.

We'll start with making our own spice mix. Everyone seems to do it differently and feel free to adapt to your own taste. This is however my spice own, mild spice mix, all grinded and mixed using a pestle and mortar: 20 grams of cinnamon, 5 grams of cloves, 2 grams of powdered ginger, 1 gram of cardamom and 1 gram of white pepper.


Separate 1 egg and discard the eggwhites or use them in another dish. Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl and combine them into a dark dough. Knead it all together and make a large ball of dough. Wrap in cling film and leave it to rest in the fridge overnight.




Roll out the rested dough on a flowered surface and cut your cookies into the shapes you want. If you happen to have the wooden speculaas molds, press the dough into the flowered mold, roll your pin over and carefully remove the excess dough by running a sharp knife along the surface of the wooden mold. Tap the mold on a table to carefully remove the dough.


Bake the speculaas for about 25-30 minutes on some baking parchment in an oven you preheated at 180 Celsius (that's about 350 Fahrenheit). Leave them to cool and harden.




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