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  • 600 gr minced meat 

  • 2 courgettes

  • 1 onion

  • 1 egg

  • Breadcrumbs

  • 2 cloves of garlic

  • Fresh thyme

  • Fresh rosemary

  • A few bayleaves

  • salt & pepper

  • olive oil

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The secret is the slow cooking time!


Contains no lactose, but does hold gluten.

Stuffed Courgettes

Those readers who grow their own courgettes, know the feeling: in the height of summer, they simply don't stop coming. A courgette harvest is abundant and you can make only that much soup, I guess.


There is something clever about serving all of your ingredients in one bundle. The 'courgette farci', or simply stuffed courgette, is a household favrouite during the summer.

Cut the courgettes lengthwise and scoop out the spongy bit where the seeds are, using a tablespoon. Chop up the scooped out pulp roughly and set aside.


Chop the onion and garlic as well and add them to a bowl, together with the minced meat, the scooped courgette, the egg and the breadcrumbs. Dig in with your fingers (or a fork if you don’t like it messy) and mix it all to make the filling of your scooped out courgettes.

Now season the inside of your courgettes with some salt and pepper before filling it richly with the mixture you created. It doesn’t matter if it bulges upwards a bit. Sprinkle the chopped up thyme leaves over it (and if you want, you could also grate some cheese over the whole as well).


Put the filled courgettes in an oven dish, side to side and adorn the rosemary twigs over them. Slip in the bay leaves in between them. Drizzle a bit of olive oil over them.


Slide the dish in an oven you preheated around 160 degrees Celsius (that’s about 320 Fahrenheit) and leave it there for about an hour. Trust me on the time, it is needed to properly cook the courgettes. The juices from the minced meat will aid cooking your vegetables.

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