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  • 3 litres of stock

  • 4 onions

  • 3 potatoes

  • 3 leeks (just the whites)

  • 2 cloves of garlic

  • fresh thyme

  • 4 bay leaves

  • 1 tbsp of mustard

  • olive oil

Shopping list:

Mustard and leeks are a great flavour combination!


Contains no lactose and is glutenfree.

Leek & Mustard

Leeks are a classical ingredient for soup, but I do find that they need something to pick their flavour up.


Mustard excels at doing just that!


You can experiment with different kinds of mustard: a grainy mustard offers a softer flavour, but adds an interesting texture. A sharper Dijon mustard on the other hand brings that strong kick some like so much.


You can't really go wrong with this recipe and you'll always end up with a great soup for those colder autumn days.

Peel your onions and garlic. Bruise the garlic and roughly chop up the onions. Clean your leeks and roughly chop them as well. Same goes for the potatoes: skin them and roughly chop them up. We’ll blend the soup later on, so don’t bother chopping it up all nice and fine.


Slowly heat some olive oil in a soup kettle and let the onions and the garlic simmer gently. You don’t want to brown the onions, but render them translucent. Add the leeks and potatoes, leaving it all to simmer, stirring occasionally.


Prepare a ‘bouquet garni’ with the sprigs of thyme and the bay leaves. Add the stock and the herbs to the vegetables, bringing the heat up just under boiling, turning it down again. Leave the soup to simmer for about 20 minutes.


Take out your bouquet garni and blend the soup. Season with salt and black pepper, add the mustard and blend it a second time.


Ready to serve!

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